EP257 The EB5 Investor Visa. What is it? With Andy Semotiuk

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In the latest episode of the “Lawyers and Mediators International Show and Podcast,” we delve into the intricate world of EB-5 investor visas, from the perspective of a Toronto-based attorney who has also resided in the United States and who has cross-border licenses. This visa category, established in the early 1990s by the United States Congress, aims to attract foreign investment and create jobs for American workers. Special guest, attorney Andy Semotiuk of the Pace Law Firm, brings his extensive experience in immigration law to shed light on this fascinating topic. See Andy’s other work on Forbes where he’s a contributing author.

What is the EB-5 Visa?

The EB-5 visa program allows foreign investors to obtain U.S. green cards by investing in American businesses. There are two primary EB-5 pathways:

1. Direct Investment Program: Requires a $1.05 million direct investment into a U.S. business that generates at least ten full-time jobs for American workers.
2. Regional Center Program: Investors contribute $800,000 to a pre-approved project in a targeted employment area, often high-unemployment or rural regions. Regional centers are organizations that manage the investment and job creation requirements on behalf of investors.

Key Benefits and Recent Reforms

One significant benefit of the EB-5 visa is that it extends to the investor’s immediate family, including their spouse and children under 21. Initially, recipients receive a two-year conditional green card, which becomes permanent upon verification of sustained investment and job creation.

Recently, the EB-5 program underwent reforms via the 2022 Reform and Integrity Act (RIA), prioritizing investments in rural, infrastructure, and high-unemployment areas. This has streamlined the process and addressed past issues of fraud and inefficiency.

Navigating the Application Process

Semotiuk highlights that approximately 10,000 EB-5 visas are available annually. While countries like China and India face backlogs, recent reforms have introduced priority processing for rural project investments, potentially reducing waiting times for applicants.

To qualify, investors must demonstrate that their funds remain invested and that their project has indeed created the required jobs. With options for concurrent applications for work and travel authorizations, the EB-5 visa presents a viable pathway for those seeking to contribute to and benefit from the U.S. economy.


The EB-5 investor visa stands as one of five primary ways to immigrate to the United States, blending the pursuit of personal residency with economic contribution. Whether through direct investment or regional center projects, this visa category continues to open doors for international entrepreneurs while bolstering the American job market.

Lawyer, mediator, arbitrator, practicing family law but passionate about helping people resolve their conflicts and disputes through mediation. MacpierreLouis.com

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