October 2020 E-Mediation Certification Course

The InstantMediations Academy is hosting an E-Mediation Certification Course with Daniel Rainey, of Holistic Solutions, Inc., which trains mediators in online mediations that leads to certification by InternetBar.org.

While October’s course is fully booked, you can register for November’s course here. Each course lasts 4 weeks, and consists of self-paced and live-sessions, and role plays. Zoom links for live sessions will arrive to students via email after enrollment. Members of InstantMediations Complete and InternetBar get discounts. So be sure to join these organizations to get your discount.


  • Thursday, October 8 (1PM EST):  Online Orientation Meeting (1hour)
  • Thursday, October 15 (11AM EST):  Online Session #1 (2 hours) ODR and Communication
  • Thursday, October 22 (2PM EST):  Online Session #2 (2 hours) -Working Online and Choosing Platforms
  • Friday, October 23- Wednesday, October 28- Mediation Case Role Play
  • Thursday, October 29 (1PM EST):  Online Session #3 (2 hours) Ethics and Review of Practice
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Attorney, Mediator, Author, Licensed in TX & FL. Host of the @LMIPodcast. Developer of Lawyers Mediators International & InstantMediators.com Platforms. Social links at use1.link/macpierrelouis