EP287 Immigration Executive Order Update with Andy Semotiuk

In this episode, immigration attorney Andy Semotiuk of the PaceLawFirm.com, and Forbes Contributor, joined Mac Pierre-Louis to discuss the recent executive orders signed by President Trump regarding immigration. Andy explains that the order targeting birthright citizenship has been blocked by the courts, as it would require a constitutional amendment to change. He addresses the administration’s efforts to deport “criminals,” noting that this term is being used broadly to include those with minor offenses such as simply overstaying visas. Criminal is italicized due to its various definitions under US immigration law (See 8 USC 1325 & 1326). Andy expressed concern about the potential for due process violations, such as sending undocumented immigrants to Guantanamo Bay without proper legal proceedings. Continue reading after the break.

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To help those worried about these recent changes, Andy advises seeking information from reputable sources like the ACLU and immigration lawyer associations like AILA. Andy recommends avoiding unnecessary risks, staying informed, and consulting with an immigration attorney if possible. He also cautions against falling for scams or relying on advice from unqualified individuals.

Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and evolving nature of immigration policy, as well as the importance of protecting the rights of all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

Listen to Audio https://open.spotify.com/episode/1NWLoaDdShjR8ZmF8jV3T1?si=r1lMV3TGTQSQw_uv-zTFFg

Attorney, Mediator, Author, Licensed in TX & FL. Host of the @LMIPodcast. Developer of Lawyers Mediators International & InstantMediators.com Platforms. Social links at use1.link/macpierrelouis

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