TITAN OF MEDIATION: An Interview With Mediator Author Bill Eddy
Bill Eddy of HighConflictInstitute.com with Dr. Barbara Sunderland Manousso (manousso.us) together with Mac-Arthur Pierre-Louis and Natalia Ołowska-Czajka of olowskapierre.com speak about high conflict people and what characteristics they have. Bill explains how to recognize high conflict people and how to deal with them when they happen to be around you. Not just in life but also in mediation. Bill Eddy, who has decades of experience with dealing in conflicts being a lawyer, mediator, licensed social worker and therapist, talks also about different types of personality disorders. Going through some of the topics of the numerous books he wrote, he also explains the concept of BIFF communications method (BIFF stands for brief, informative, friendly and firm) and how it can help transform communications between parties.