EP260 Uncommon Child Custody and Child Support Orders Orders with Dannielle Simms

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In “Uncommon Child Custody and Child Support Orders,” Attorney Mac Pierre-Louis is joined by co-host Dannielle Simms of The Simms Law Group, PLLC, to discuss unique or less common child custody and child support orders. Dannielle, a family law attorney with over a decade of experience, shares insights based on her extensive career in Harris County and surrounding regions, including:

-an explanation of “50/50 custody”;
-misconceptions that equate equal custody with the elimination of child support obligations;
-various ways 50/50 custody can be structured;
-how effective arrangements require parents to live close to each other to avoid disrupting school routines;
-how custody arrangements and child support are independent of one another contrary to popular opinion; and
-how even with a 50/50 arrangement, child support may still be required, particularly in cases of significant income disparity.

The discussions rounds out with by touching on the ever-so-popular, but controversial “right of first refusal.”

Top Keywords Discussed

Child Custody,
Child Support,
50/50 Custody,
Legal Advice,
Family Law,
Right of First Refusal,
Custody Arrangements,
Child Support Obligations,
Income Disparity,
Travel Expenses

Lawyer, mediator, arbitrator, practicing family law but passionate about helping people resolve their conflicts and disputes through mediation. MacpierreLouis.com

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